Please inquire about membership
Vision and Strategic Plan
The Wakota CAER program originated from a national CAER model that emerged in 1985 to address the need for mutual aid and public awareness organizations to merge efforts in order to ensure effective response to an incident and support safety for the community.
For more than three decades, Wakota CAER has developed and sponsored the following activities in support of citizens of Washington and Dakota counties:
Emergency drills
Inland Waterways Spill Responder Training
(Boom School) — to hone on-water oil spill response skills. Learn More>>
Cold Weather Spill Responder Training
To develop technical expertise in harsh environments. Learn More>>
Mississippi River Spill Cooperative
To bring industry together to help each other in time of crisis. Learn More>>
Public Official CAER Luncheon Programs
Public expositions of emergency response equipment
Looking to the Future…
Strategic planning is an integral part of Wakota CAER. The Board gathers during the summer months to plan events and establish goals which are identified based on industry and member needs. Wakota CAER encourages membership to stay apprised of current events and become a strategic partner to achieve all of its goals.